Tracey Hartshorn Therapy

Be Proud ~ Be True ~ Be You!

Clinical Supervision


Available online and in person for individual supervision and groups.

I work broadly within a Person-Centred approach and am non-directive in terms of the content supervisees bring. I also believe that structure is important within the supervision process to ensure all aspects of the work are attended to. This structure is brought by the 7-eyed model for supervision, a clear contracting process and the following values which underpin my supervisory work:

  • Clarity - we will agree clear boundaries for our work together
  • Mutuality - we will work in partnership with each other
  • Commitment - we will make ourselves available and prepare for supervision.
  • Openness - we will be open to discussion and transparency in our work together.
  • Adaptability - as our supervisory relationship deepens we will work together to review and adapt our approach.

If you are interested in discussing supervision with me I offer a free 30 minute conversation where we can explore your supervisory needs.