Tracey Hartshorn Therapy

Be Proud ~ Be True ~ Be You!

Corporate Offerings

Employee Support Services

There is an increasing awareness that employers need to become more aware of the Mental Health needs of their workforce and respond accordingly.

In many instances, incidents and accidents have been attributed to the mental health of a staff member. In other cases, there is an increasing trend for disciplinaries, grievances and tribunals as a result of unaddressed mental health concerns.

We provide a cost effective and local service for small and medium sized businesses in the East Midlands to provide counselling and therapy services for employees and professional support for employers needing help with staff who may be experiencing mental health issues.

We use only fully qualified, insured and supervised counsellors and therapists to ensure a safe, ethical and professionally managed approach.

Depending on your business needs there are three packages available with different costs to suit the size and demands of your business.

Access to specialist specialist HR and H&S advice is also available as needed through trusted partner organisations.

For further details email